Who We Are
Trizac Abu Dhabi Sole Proprietorship L.L.C. was inaugurated back in 1985, Trizac Abu Dhabi Sole Proprietorship L.L.C. focused on providing the UAE Oil and Gas sector with innovative solutions using the most advanced technologies from the most advance and inovative manufacturer in the field of Oil & Gas.
Trizac Abu Dhabi Sole Proprietorship L.L.C. gives utmost importance to customer support and service. Supported by our principals, our engineers are well-trained to handle the challenges. In addition to this support, it offers in-house and onsite training to the customers to enable them best utilization of the leading – edge technology.
The company employs over 50 personnel specializing on the traditional business such as
- Instrumentation and Process Control products and systems
- Safety & Security
- Process Valves
- Engineered packages
- Mud & Water treatment chemicals
At the same time, and as part of the company vision of providing the advance and
innovative technologies the company focuses on new fields such as.

3D printing

Specialized insulation

Trizac Abu Dhabi Sole Proprietorship L.L.C. gives its utmost importance to customer support and service. Supported by our principals, our engineers are well-trained to handle the challenges
Trizac works in synergy with more than 30 world’s largest global oil and gas technology providers either as an agent, sponsor or as a joint venture partner.
Trizac Abu Dhabi Sole Proprietorship L.L.C. has a comprehensive and accurate documentation, and flexible logistics supported by a modern communication network and database and it continues to invest in business development and marketing with a dedicated specialist team working cohesively to provide innovative and effective solutions.
Through association with Trizac Abu Dhabi Sole Proprietorship L.L.C., our principals have access to all necessary market introduction, support , data base and follow up on the upcoming projects in the UAE and market surveys and feasibility studies: Market research and analysis about the present situation regarding current projects, market conditions, leading players, future trends, and other sources of valuable information related to our operational areas.
Trizac follows strict compliance and corporate governance in accordance with the international standards in business dealings and its ambition to achieve even greater future success as it builds its operating portfolio.
Vision And Mission
A leading Oilfield Supplier of innovators and entrepreneurs products focused on exploring opportunities and contributing to the future energy industry of the UAE.
Our mission is to provide quality, integrated Oil & Gas supplies and services solutions, using safe, cost-effective, and cutting edge technology to deliver optimum value to our customers, partners and collaborators. Our mission is to build and maintain alliances with those that share our interests and can contribute to and participate in our success.